Thursday, December 04, 2008

Ph.D. Defense

Caros Professores, Colegas e Amigos,

Escrevo-vos porque gostaria que soubessem que defendo a minha tese de doutoramento em História no próximo dia 16 de Dezembro, pelas 10 h na sala de doutoramentos da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa.
Queria, sobretudo, agradecer a todos pelo muito que me ensinaram, incentivaram e ouviram, especialmente, durante os últimos anos em que a ponte aérea entre Portugal e os EUA fizeram com que a minha vida mudasse radicalmente. A muitos de vós devo conversas essenciais que levaram à conclusão do meu trabalho, dicas, novas perspectivas, recomendações de leituras, mas essencialmente o apoio que todos me deram durante estes anos loucos de trabalho.
No fim, a tese acabou por ter o título Historical Interpretations of “Fifth Empire”: Dynamics of Periodization from Daniel to António Vieira, S.J., e foi, como sabem, orientada pelos Professores Doutores José Augusto Ramos (FLUL) e John J. Collins (Yale).
No dia 16, a tese será arguida pelo Prof. Doutor José Pedro Paiva (FLUC), pelo Prof. Doutor John J. Collins (Yale), pelo Prof. Doutor José Carlos Carvalho (UCP-P), pelo Prof. Doutor Arnaldo Espírito Santo, pelo Prof. Doutor Luís Filipe Barreto e pela Prof. Doutora Isabel Almeida.

Espero poder rever alguns de vós no dia 16.
A todos, um muito obrigada por me terem acompanhado nas mais variadas formas ao longo deste percurso.
Com os meus cumprimentos,

Maria Ana Valdez

Dear Professors, Colleagues, and Friends,

I am writing to let you know that I will be defending my PhD dissertation on December 16th, at 10 am, at “Sala de Doutoramentos” of the University of Lisbon.
I would like, at this moment, to thank you all for everything you have taught me, for your support and, especially, for the time you have spent listening to me and discussing ideas and thoughts, especially during the last four years during which I have lived between Portugal and the US. To many of you I owe fundamental words that led to concluding the dissertation, tips, new perspectives, readings, but above all, the support you have given me during the last four years.
The dissertation is entitled: Historial Interpretations of “Fifth Empire”: Dynamics of Periodization from Daniel to António Vieira, S.J. and was supervised by Professors José Augusto Ramos (Lisbon University) and John J. Collins (Yale University).
It will be argued by Prof. Doctor José Pedro Paiva (Coimbra), Prof. Doctor John J. Collins (Yale), Prof. Doctor José Carlos Carvalho (Portuguese Catholic University), Prof. Doctor Arnaldo Espírito Santo (Univ. of Lisbon), Prof. Doctor Luis Filipe Barreto (Univ. of Lisbon), and Prof. Doctor Isabel Almeida (Univ. of Lisbon).

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for all your help during this process and my hope that our ways will cross again in the future.
Yours sincerely,

Maria Ana Valdez

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Defense Scheduled...

Yes... it looks like i am growing older and I can barely feel my knees... My PhD defense is scheduled for December 16, 2008 at 10 am at the Reitoria of the University of Lisbon.

have a look:,835673&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL


Monday, November 03, 2008

Finally the program is out

Yes... finally, the Catholic University of Lisbon as released the program of one of this year's most important conferences about António Vieira. As it is becoming usual, I will present there another paper...

Here is the program:

For those of you who do not speak Portuguese, just hit where it says: "Consulte aqui o Programa (PDF)" to have access to it.


I have just submitted the texts from the proceedings of the EABS this summer in Lisbon for publication. This is my first edited book and i am quite excited about it. Besides it will be out before the end of 2008, which is an achievement!

I will post here more information such as title, table of contents, etc., as it becomes available.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Antonio Vieira, Baroque Portugal and Colonial Brazil

yet another conference about António Vieira, this time at Brown University.

c o n f e r e n c e
"Antonio Vieira, Baroque Portugal and Colonial Brazil"November 7 and 8Friday and Saturday Locations: November 7 [The John Carter Brown Library]November 8 [Smith-Buonano Auditorium, RM 106]

here is the link for the complete program:

Friday, September 19, 2008

it is submitted

Dear All,

I have finally submitted the dissertation on September 4th. Now that i am back to New Haven, I am, while recovering, trying to put together 3 conferences, a postdoctoral project and researching for a dictionary.
Meanwhile, i am trying to hang in there while i do not know officially when the dissertation's defense will be set, though i know it will be around the second week of December.

all is well when it ends well, right?

:) :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Finally... it is printing... this huge monster is about to be done!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Antonio Vieira & the Futures of luzo-afro-brazilian studies - International Colloquium

Have a look at their website, the program is quite interesting:

Sunday, April 20, 2008

there are days...

two weeks ago i realised that someone had stolen my bike from the inside of my building... no, it was not from the front of the library or from any other open space...

today, i got a new one and when i trying it for the first time, i realised that the chain was loose... lucky me that i know how to use my hands and solved the issue...

now, tell me, what's going on between bikes and me? who cursed me?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

where's my snow?

i was promised plenty of snow... and now i wonder where it is. well, i know... it is me coming from a country with no snow i have no clue of what it is. i am sure that is the reason why i cannot see it...

yes, i am frustrated because i truly enjoy the silence that comes with snow... i really enjoy the white flurries falling peacefully on my head.

please snow, hurry up.....

Friday, January 11, 2008


I'm back to Yale wishing that i wouldn't have this much work to do. besides, it is raining and i hate it. it simply makes me blue, and that added to the jet lag is one of those bombastic combinations.

i was so tired that i did not answer any of my friends season greetings. i hope they will apologize me and understand, though it was not a decent thing to do.

I'm afraid i have ahead of me several months of hard work and will be most of the time impossible to post updates of what i am doing. however, i do also know by experience that i like to post when i cannot find the right words to finish a paragraph... it is quite useful to regain my inspiration, so i have no clue of how often i will be writing here. please make me do it!

happy new year to you all!