Saturday, January 20, 2007

Good News!!!!

For whoever is out of Portugal but still has an Internet account by Netcabo or Sapo, it is possible to make phone calls to land lines in Portugal for FREE!!! Just Download their Messenger!

The sound is good, and our wallet feels even better!!!
use it until February 28... let's see if they keep it free!

gusty winds...

I hate... I just hate windy days... and this is an horrible day with gusty winds that make you feel small.

Result: no work (at least i cooked for the week)...

better days will come...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Too long ago

It is true... i haven't been writing for a long time, but you know how the Holidays are. Thankfully, they're gone... at least until next year!

I'm back to the US and finally it snowed a little bit. Just some flurries, but it was good enough to walk outside and feel the flurries touching my face! It was great!

I'm completely overwhelmed with work... I don't even know where to start with, so I am going back to my dead guy. The good thing is that I am not tormented by his ghost!!!

Enjoy the new year and wish me luck to deal with these dusty guys.