It has been a month since my last post… i am so sorry… i could say that i have been travelling, which would be truth, but the main reason was too much work to do.
Travelling, because I went to the SBL convention to watch one of the best vanities circuses of ever… ok, ok… 9000 people altogether and each and everyone of them with a personal agenda a strong wish of not passing unknown in the crowd. Couldn’t they just think about the papers? It would be better, especially after some I’ve heard.
The good thing is that Washington is a beautiful city and that not even rain took away its charm. I truly enjoyed and who knows if I won’t be back. I promise post some more pictures in the next days. (if I can bribe Inês to let me post some of her pictures… I was too lazy to take my own… just when she forgot her memory card in the hotel… and the machine was useless)

However, the best of the trip was its ending: it was Thanksgiving and raining as if the heaven was going to fall on our heads…. And Lisa picked us at the airport and took us to one of the best dinners I’ve had in the US. I was feeling so much at home that Hemant managed to take this picture… imagine…

Let me go back to work… time is too short and Vieira is always waiting and demanding my total attention!